Each piece encapsulates a fear of mine, whether tethered in reality or not, that I have felt and might still feel. The only way for me to move forward was to examine these fears. But you can't examine something you deny the existence of.
This work required a lot of emotional labor; it was a series of loving and honest actions. Honesty can bring about a plethora of uncomfortable thoughts and feelings: overwhelm, intimidation, uncertainty, doubt, stress, fear, anxious, dread, disappointment, shame. Honesty can, at the same time and in a safe space, be a tool utilized in an act of love towards yourself and others. It can lead to a change of behavior towards yourself and others that is more personal, intentional, and loving.
I sat with these fears. I listened to them, acknowledged them. I spent time with them while creating each piece. And then I let them go.
If interested in acquiring a piece from this series, please reach out via email.

I have an overwhelmingly long time ahead of me, 11” x 10”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Stress, 2022-2023

Will I ever be the same?, 10” x 8”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Doubt, 2023

I Miss My Cold Exterior, 10” x 8”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Exhaustion, 2022-2023

it hurts when he does this, 7” x 5”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Pain, 2022-2023

The High Expectations I Have Set For Myself Stress Me Out, 5” x 7”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Stress, 2023

i’m falling into complacency, 7” x 5”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Exhaustion, 2023-2024

I Can’t Let Go Of Control, 7” x 5”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Too Much, 2023-2024

I Take Life Too Seriously, 11” x 10”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Overthinking, 2023-2024

Who Am I Without Him?, 8.5” x 11”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Doubt, 2022-2024

How Did I Get Here?, 7” x 5”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Doubt, 2023-2024

i'm worried i'm losing my ambition, 5” x 7”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Exhaustion, 2023-2024

I Need To Have Everything Figured Out, 5” x 7”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Overthinking, 2023-2024

I FEAR FAILURE, 8.5” x 11”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Too Much, 2022-2024

i'm not useful, 14” x 11”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Too Much, 2023-2024

i'm scared i'm going to let him go, 5” x 7”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Doubt, 2022-2024

i wouldn't be as good with less anxiety, 11” x 8.5”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Overthinking, 2023-2024

no one is going to like what i make, 11” x 8.5”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Doubt, 2023-2024

i don't know what i'm doing, 8.5” x 11”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Doubt, 2023-2024

i'm wasting time, 10” x 10”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Overthinking, 2023-2024

i don't always give my all, 10” x 10”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Exhaustion, 2023-2024

i felt so alone by the people closest to me, 10” x 10”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Pain, 2022-2024

i'm not enough, 11” x 14”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Too Much, 2022-2024

i don't understand people sometimes, 11” x 14”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Overthinking, 2023-2024

I don't deserve this, 11” x 10”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Doubt, 2023-2024

i'm too boring, 10” x 10”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Overthinking, 2023-2024

People Think I'm Awkward, 10” x 10”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Overthinking, 2022-2024

who am i?, 11” x 14”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Doubt, 2022-2024

I Didn't Think I'd See 22, 14” x 11”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Pain, 2022-2024

i'm scared of change, 11” x 14”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Stress, 2022-2024

I Hold Myself Back, 14” x 11”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Overthinking, 2022-2024

I think I could be a very successful artist if I was single and afraid of intimacy, 14” x 11”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Doubt, 2022-2024

Trying Isn't Enough Sometimes, 14” x 11”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Pain, 2023-2024

I'M NOT DOING ENOUGH, 14” x 11”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Overthinking, 2022-2024

I made more art when I lived alone, 11” x 14”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Doubt, 2022-2024

I THINK TOO MUCH, 11” x 10”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Graphite, Overthinking, 2023-2024

i'm scared how much of my growth resulted from him, 11” x 14”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Graphite, Doubt, 2022-2024

i am baby , 14” x 11”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Graphite, Exhaustion, 2022-2024

I Can't Get Out Of My Way, 14” x 11”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Graphite, Overthinking, 2023-2024

i don't trust myself, 11” x 14”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Graphite, Too Much, 2023-2024

I Hold Way Too Much In, 11” x 10”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Graphite, Stress, 2023-2024

i'm scared he's going to leave me, 11” x 14”, Premium Matte Paper, Inkjet Print, Embroidery Floss, Graphite, Overthinking, 2022-2024